Saturday, 27 August 2011

You’re never alone at the Folk fest

Have you ever been one those people who would love to attend the Ottawa Folk Festival, but didn’t because you couldn’t find someone who would like to come along with you? If so, truth-be-told, at one point of time I was just like you. 

Surprisingly, it can sometimes be hard to find a friend who is free to enjoy some great music during a nice weekend.Year after year, I would sit at home, drooling over the Folk Fest lineup. One year I decided that enough was enough: I jumped right in and volunteered for the festival. 

I was a bit nervous at first, but the atmosphere at the OFF is welcoming and relaxed, so working with a new crew and attending shows was easy and comfortable. I almost started preferring watching concerts on my own, as most show-goers are friendly and chatty. I even made great friends with one of my fellow crewmembers, and we continue to get together to watch performances this year!

My close pals also started following my example and came along to the festival (likely due to my excessive bragging about the shows I attended). I also ran into more friends at the festival.

After a few years of volunteering and attending the festival, I now find it difficult to go very far without running into someone that I know. And to think, I used to be afraid of having no one to come to the shows with me!

Ottawa Folk Festival: a great place to run into friends and strangers — friends you just haven’t met yet.

Michelle N

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